Is that you in the above picture from Monday to Thursday/ Friday??
Yeah, well you're not alone. This trend of our brothers becoming allergic to work is growing. Of course there are a few who still seek to impress in the boardroom and are willing to start at the bottom and work their way up.
For the others, they are professional hustlers. They call it Hustler's Ambition. They are friends with a few rappers or DJs or are the sons of prominent businessmen or politicians and have thus decided that their route to the top will be extremely easy and will just be handed to them.
Most of these pro hustlers are "entrepreneurs". How can you begin to call yourself an entrepreneur if you've never done anything in your life? An entrepreneur by definition is: 'A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.' If there is no business venture, there is no entrepreneur. And where does this come from that people don't need a degree to succeed. Using Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg as examples is NOT ok; they are the (extremely rare) exception, not the rule. People often undermine the degree-less. It is hard to climb the ranks without a degree. It can be done but it's highly unlikely.
The thing with most of these guys, is that they went to great schools and think that through their parents' connections, they'll get 'tenders' and become millionaires or take over their dads companies when they die. Problem is, you're 28 and your dad is fit as can be... Also, I'm sure he'd rather leave the company to someone qualified... This isn't Gossip Girl!
Hustler number 2 is going to be famous. They hang in groups around already established entertainers and feature in their videos hoping to garner some fame that way. It isn't going to happen. People study the craft and then work tirelessly auditioning around town. They don't just look "swagged up" and then fall into a record deal.
It saddens me that some guys no longer feel the push that black men had in the past to dominate and look after their families by working hard. Our parents are the first generation to have real money so people also mustn't think that like white people there is generations of old money waiting in a trust fund.
Pull up your socks and work hard for your money! Prove yourself the real way and stop waiting around for a reality show to give you pocket money.
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